
Solfruit GmbH provides the ideal link between shippers and buyers.

The customer’s requirements are discussed in detail with the shippers, so that the respective packages, the quality demands in taste and appearance, the details in the product labeling, etc. can be considered individually.

It is well known, that we are almost exclusive surved by Global Gap certified producers


Pip fruits:  Actel /  Frulesa / Benvifont

Stone fruits: El Recreo •  Zamora • Rosa • Villacruz • Fruvaygo  • Agarcam • Portfruit  – Agra – Naturcrex – Actel •Vegafrut-

Cherries: La Rivera • Ruby • Cerezas de Navaconejo – Crex

Strawberries:  Platero • Arena • Fuentepiña • Cala – Daria • Alfredo •

Citrus:  La Betica • Caminito • Rada • Loren • Vegafrut •  Sulema • La Gitana • Frucimu • Oriol •

Iceberg lettuce:

Asparagus white+ voil:  • Ria •

Asparagus green: Cesurca • Sierra de Loja • Gordo  • Luxe • Hortovilla • Fraespa



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